The Ali Forney Center (AFC) was started in response to the lack of safe shelter for LGBT youth in New York City. AFC is dedicated to promoting awareness of the plight of homeless LGBT youth in the United States with the goal of generating responses on local and national levels from government funders, foundations, and the LGBT community.
If you are in NYC next Thursday, definitely check out the show and bid, bid, bid!
I didn't pack my shaving stuff when I went to Europe, and on my return, I was feeling lazy so I didn't shave. Time marches on and I developed a mountain-man beard.
Maybe it was driving me itchy-crazy; maybe I knew I would be shaving it soon; maybe it was sheer boredom of sitting through an all-day board meeting...but on nearly every page of the giant PowerPoint handout, I drew some version of me in my vintage 1963 mod stripe suit with beard. I was having a good hair day, too.
Alas, all good (and bad) things must come to an end, and the beard has since been shaved. Haircut occurred as well. Feels much better this way.
Dear Monica was hyping Austin's indie comic show STAPLE! for the past several years. Her rec plus my free crash pad @ Scott's, plus the enjoyable company of them both was the inducement to go. Not to mention Austin itself—I love it there and hadn't been for 2 years.
The con itself was about half the size of SPX and had a very regional feel to it. Aside from Monica, I didn't recognize any exhibitors from SPX, MOCCA, or APE (though that may be unfair, I stopped going to APE several years ago).
Sales were low...Austin may be more of a hipster scene than a gay one...but I did have a few nice conversations with some fans of mine, who were surprised to see me in attendance.
One fan also creates comics, and I love her style. I suggested we do a sketchbook swap: I'd draw something in hers if she drew a hot guy in mine. She has started a "Sub-Mariner and Aquaman" sketch book for other people to draw in, so I happily complied.
Here is the result.
I'd never drawn Sub-Mariner before, but, um, he's kinda fun to draw! Just a built guy wearing some Aussiebums. Nice.
The next morning in Amsterdam, we ate breakfast in the hotel's breakfast room, along with other guests and the hotel's HUGE Maine Coon cat. He was sooo sweet. But this one tired/angry looking patron wasn't so into him. Then, she violently attacked her biscuit. It was like one of those nature shows, where the predator is silently, patiently waiting for it's prey to innocently step too close, then STRIKE! But really, that biscuit wasn't going anywhere.
After Abby and I wandered a bit, took a canal boat tour, we met up with a reporter interviewing us for the gay youth magazine Expresso. Albert was cute, but the cuteness was intensified by his CNR (Charles Nelson Reilly) glasses. The three of us were walking along, and Abby noticed all the window displays—her declaration made my heart skip a beat and I immediately went into a bit of a void.
And though I was in A'dam several more days, that evening is when I stopped drawing...last entry. Above are the 2 two-page spreads I drew; the second being me falling into my emotional void after Abby's comment jarringly shifted my mood. Poor Abby, she had no idea.
I hadn't been before, and I'd heard much of it, so I was excited to go! Abby and I transferred by train and arrived at our affordably-priced, super-clean hotel. On to exploring the neighborhood and eating pancakes.
I ducked into WE at Matt's insistence, and bought a fun flower-print shirt. It came in brown, purple, and light blue. Abby encouraged me to buy one of each for myself, but I resisted.
Later, we met up with a friend of a friend who is an erotic film director, and her baby. I asked to hold the baby—a big deal for me, I am not really comfortable around babies, small children. They break too easily! But, in the past 6 months, I have stepped up to overcome my hang-ups one by one.
For dinner, I was happy to find this hole-in-the-wall place, "Coffee & Jazz" which actually is an Indonesian restaurant with a Jazz soundtrack. We were the only party in the place (there were only 4 tables, anyhow...), and the old Dutch owner/restauranteur was bopping around. It was a great meal and a very off-beat experience. Loved it!
Yes, this is pretty much accurate. I admit a few bits of the story were removed for sake of the one-pager. The funniest part in reality was Jeff's violent reaction.
Also funny, which couldn't be included was both Xavier's and Jeff's reaction to the excursion. I thought we were near a shop I wanted to go to, and Xavier insisted we try to find it even though I didn't know the address. I was concerned about being gone too long, and Xavier said, "Oh, Jeff always complains that it takes me an hour to buy a croissant because I get lost or distracted. He won't even be out of the shower by the time we get back."
We didn't find the shop, and indeed, our croissant purchase basically took an hour.
When we got back, Abby was still Skype-ing and Jeff was just getting out of the shower and said, "Oh, I told Abby not to expect you back for an hour."
It was funny to me how well they know each other, and lovingly make fun of their foibles.
After an emotionally exhausting few weeks, and a roller coaster of a 2010, I finally unwinded enough for, hrm, I'm not really sure how to describe...I guess a relaxed state in which emotions freely flow.
So this is me with my heart on my sleeve. No one gets this drawing, so I added color. Abby suggested that it should be pinned to my sleeve, near my shoulder. I guess no matter how you look at it, one's literal heart on their sleeve is kinda gruesome.
Onward for a bit of tourism and shopping in Paris! Wheee!
Jeff insisted we cross this very romantic footbridge. The chain link fence on either side was covered with locks placed by lovers, with their initials carved into the locks (or written on them). I wonder how many of those hearts are still connected...
Every once in a while, I stay in closer contact with someone I meet at a convention. One such fellow, Sylvain, could not attend Angoulême this year, so I attempted to draw him instead. It doesn't look quite like him, the face is too long/chin too big.
Since he's now "stationed" in Taiwan for the forseeable future, I was inspired to discuss meeting up in Japan. This is now not likely to happen in part due to finances and in part to the horrible events late last week.
Early Friday morning, I headed out to NYC and was asleep on the bus all morning, so by the time I heard the news of the earthquake and tsunami, everyone was abuzz. So awful.
Obviously, events such as this can really put your own problems and stresses in perspective. That said, it's been a rough month, certainly testing my faith.
Jeff is obsessed with Psylocke, and he and Xavier have an adversarial relationship when it come to Psylocke vs. Spider-Woman. It's fun to hear them go at it.
On the walk home Saturday night, I noticed a dead cat on the sidewalk. It was pretty sad, but we had to move on. Though Xavier was very upset and wanted to try to bury it.
The next morning, Diogo saw me and Abby off at the train station. We made our way to Jeff's place and walked around Paris a bit.
Throughout the weekend, we had been talking about men's and women's outlook on sex. So, when Abby commented on my gallantry, I reminded her that I expected certain things in return, in general. Though she was quite safe with me.
First day of the Angoulême festival, I agreed to get up early and help Xavier set up.
The second day, I was a bit tired, a bit hung over, and not needing to be at the festival early, I only got up to see Xavier off.
He has this skill to wake up and be instantly chipper but non-annoying.
On this day, I was on a panel "Mainstream vs. Indie" comics, which was fun.
Actually, I am a morning person; I typically am up by 7. HOWEVER, I definitely need to ease into the day with minimal conversation and maximum neck-pinching and head-squeezing (reduces my recurring and debilitating headaches).
There are other sketches of this day, which will remain UN-posted. Those in the know—and you know who you are—know why.
This year, through some SNAFUs, we were very limited in booth space, so I wasn't exhibiting. This was a little sad, but it was also really nice to be able to walk around Angoulême and the festival with out much of an agenda.
While I was on a panel, and had a few scheduled signings, I was mostly roaming about, looking at the gorgeous books, admiring the charming village, and hanging out with friends.
I finally made it to the museum of comics, which (no knock at the comics museums in the U.S.) is Smithsoneon caliber.
Of course, I ate and drank a lot. But the long walks and steep hills to climb in Angoulême burned off more calories than I could consume, and my 30" waist jeans were beginning to fall off. I had dropped a lot of weight in 2010, and finally broke down and bought a slimmer size. And here, I admitted to myself that I'd have to drop down again.
Typically when I travel, I am sad at the airport, to be leaving behind my life and all. There's often too much time on your hands for "thought" and of course, the terminal itself isn't all that comfy.
Once I board the plane, I am Ok, and once I land, I am really excited to be where I am at.
But this time, as I sat in the airport, I was nothing but happy! Given what 2010 was like, I just sat there realizing how lucky I am...on every level...for everything. And most particularly, my emotional "journey." I really am proud for dealing with stuff and not postponing for another day.
I said my good-byes over the phone, and then boarded for France, looking forward to the festival and seeing my friends.
Arriving at CDG, I was surprised to feel sad...since I'm usually elated on arrival.
But looking around at the couples, I felt kind of alone. I was meeting up with Abby, and with friends, but it just wasn't the same.
Onward to Paris to meet up with Xavier, and then Jeff, and once in Angoulême, Marie-Claude. M-C took us to this lovely bakery/cafe and ordered a brioche.
This time of year, it's served in a similar way to King Cake in New Orleans...but instead of a porcelain Baby Jesus, there is a porcelain shoe baked inside.
Since I got the shoe, I was crowned King!—and I can expect good fortune for all 2011. Yay! I also must buy the next brioche, apparently.
That night, I shared raclette with Jeff. It's basically a giant wedge of cheese, served against a heating element. As the cheese begins to melt and ooze off the block, you slop it on to the meats and veggies they bring you on a platter. It was sooooo good, but I felt like a pig for eating so much cheese.