Sunday, March 10, 2013

What a decent guy!

Once every few years I end up on the couch with a bad cold...and sucked into the world of "television." Law & Order marathons, spoiled people with bad taste on HGTV, terrible effects on ScyFy. 

This time around, while surfing I was instantly hooked on a reality competition show. I've never been able to watch more than 5 minutes of reality TV, but this had me from the moment I landed on Spike.

The Joe Schmo Show is a giant hoax: all the contestants are actors, except one—Chase Rogan of Pittsburgh—who thinks it's all real. So, the show is a bit sitcom (with lots of crazy scenarios and specific lines to get across), a bit improv (since it happens real time, and the actors must riff off the things Chase says and does), and a bit reality show (Chase is in it to win).

My favorite character is Karlee, the deaf contestant (who is played by a hearing actress) and her dummy Mr. Wentworth. His theme song with Karlee (Can you hear me?/No I Can't/I am Mr. Wentworth/I will make you smile/All day long) had me in stitches.

Chase is goofy, easy on the eyes (I don't claim my drawing of him looks like him...), and of high moral fiber. The show just concluded, and I urge you to watch it. It's crazy and funny and well done. I felt bad for Chase (who really did want to win the fake prize of a job contract as a bounty hunter). But the cast was really good for the most part, and Chase did win the real prize of $100K. 

Anyway, check the show out on Netflix or Spike's website. 

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