Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hello, pretentious Euro-tour 2013

 Uh-oh! You know what this means! Probably not many posts for the next few weeks, but then you will be delighted with a dozen or more of my best travel sketches! 

Don't believe me? Can't remember? Simply click on the "travel" tag and revisit Scandanavia, India, Poland, and France France France with me.

About 18 months ago poor Xavier was struck by a car on his bicycle and had to have his ankle rebuilt. I really wanted to go and help out during this recovery, but my French is so bad, I'd have been more of a drain.

But he said, "let's travel in the fall, it will be my physical therapy goal." So we compared lists of places we'd be happy to go and threw in a comic con and ended up with Lille, Brussels, Bruges, Edinburgh last fall. Seriously, re-read the posts!

This time around, we compared lists, threw in the wildcard of where I could actually fly in and out of using frequent flyer miles and came up with our odd-ball itinerary. 

I failed in lining up an event in Munich, but not in super-gay Vienna! If you're nearby, shout out and join us for drinks, on you! 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

NYCC commissions

Here's Thor taking a selfie for Edward from Toronto:
and here's a Superman/Batman coffee date for my new fan from Quincy!:

I forgot to snap the punk Storm I did but here's a failed commission of "Asian Calvin" with Hobbes:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My teeth are rubbish

Extra thanks to my mom for insisting on thorough oral hygene and a low-in-sweets diet as a kid. These practices were burned into my brain and all seemed well for the first 43 years.

Apparently, in one's 40s, one's mouth stops producing certain enzymes, which makes it difficult for teeth to fend decay.

Long story short, I just had my first cavity and first filling!

It seems the sealants on my teeth are finally wearing away at the edges and decay is beginning...which means I have several more teeth to look forward to drilling in the upcoming years. 

Never facing the drill before, I was naturally nervous! It wasn't bad though. The exit from novacane wasn't fun, and my jaw a bit sore all day.

On the plus side, I got to relax and refinish the top of a cabinet on my dental day.