Don't believe me? Can't remember? Simply click on the "travel" tag and revisit Scandanavia, India, Poland, and France France France with me.
About 18 months ago poor Xavier was struck by a car on his bicycle and had to have his ankle rebuilt. I really wanted to go and help out during this recovery, but my French is so bad, I'd have been more of a drain.
But he said, "let's travel in the fall, it will be my physical therapy goal." So we compared lists of places we'd be happy to go and threw in a comic con and ended up with Lille, Brussels, Bruges, Edinburgh last fall. Seriously, re-read the posts!
This time around, we compared lists, threw in the wildcard of where I could actually fly in and out of using frequent flyer miles and came up with our odd-ball itinerary.
I failed in lining up an event in Munich, but not in super-gay Vienna! If you're nearby, shout out and join us for drinks, on you!