Thursday, November 19, 2015

Strange Sports, Indeed!

In honor of Vertigo's Strange Sports Stories trade paperback release this week, I share with you thumbnails from pages 1-3.

This was a tough assignment. Greg was being really kind with deadline given my mom's passing, but suddenly I found myself in France with little progress, and a looming deadline. But fortunately, the story was coming together in my head and in the thumbs. And extra fortunately, Greg accepted pics of the thumbs via Whatsapp. He went on faith in large part.

It was awesome to have Mike DiMotta color my pages, too. I hadn't worked with Mike in years, so it felt a bit full circle. 

The comic looked great, the TPB looks great. If you missed the series, definitely pick up the trade.


There won't be any annotation of this story...I just double checked, there are no hidden bits in the background, and no inside jokes.

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