To continue the baseball metaphor in pitching projects to publishers, I've always felt comfortable with three strikes, and then I'm out til my next at bat. That way I don't inflect pain on the few professional contacts I have, as well as myself.
After Comic Con, I was inspired to think about pitches again, and was happy to find some editors who allowed me a turn at bat. Strike one (discussed here)! Strike two (will not be discussed)! Am still at bat on a third idea, swinging, fouling, etc.
Proposal one was to create a true-to-novel adaptation of one of my favorite novels, Wuthering Heights. The initial reaction was positive, but ultimately was a no-go.
I was REALLY bummed. It would have been so much fun for me to draw the cruel romance, cute guys in period clothing, and ghosts! Oh well.
But here's a page of sketching I had done in my excitement while waiting to go to failure. Stables-boy Heathcliff is so dark, mean, and hot. I should think about self publishing an adaptation.
Whaaat?! It would have been perfect for the Marvel Classic Adaptation line.
Portrait of Dorian Gray was very good-loonking, helas they tone out all the "adultstuff" and threw out all the homosexual references if you can believe that!!
I say screw them! I think it would be pretty incredible to have a collection of Tim Fish adaptations classic romance novels... go for it man!
Yesss ! You're a natural for Wuthering Heights. I say go for it.
I agree, possibly, self publishing, or perhaps another publisher!
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