New limited run Ts! Been wanting to do these two for so long! Both shirts have been worn by my comic characters in my stories for many years now. So, you can cosplay all you want. First, "Johnny's Magnet" as seen on characters in I ♥ Marvel, Things Don't Always Suck, and Cavalcade. Next, "Hippy Daisy" as seen in The Faggy Phantom, Strugglers, and Cavalcade. Maybe more, I try to draw them in every story, because I WANT THEM. And now, I have them! And you can, too...
They are on nice American Apparel shirts, mostly available in S and M. There are only a few Ls and 1 XL. Let me know.
I'll try to post pics of me wearing them.
I want! I want!
yeah, I've really confused people with how to get a hold of these new Ts, since my online store won't be ready until January...
but if you want one, email me and I will give PayPal ordering instructions! :)
comment at timfishworks dot com
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