Fish-philes will remember I pitched this to Marvel—without success—for their classics line. Though disappointed, that pitch lead to both the Iron Man and Northstar stories published in 2010 (for those who don't remember, read the post by clicking the tag).
Enter Seven Stories, Googling around for the novel, and saw my post announcing my disappointment. One thing leads to another, and I have signed a contract to produce a short excerpt of the story in graphic novel form.
And that's an understatement. It's one of my favorite books. I can't wait to get going on it.
Now that my kitchen project is completed (Phase I, anyhow), I can get myself into the proper headspace to work on it. First, I will finish up another Arché-Lady shortie to get back "in shape" drawing. It's been a few weeks putting inks on the page, and I am rusty. No wonder why some artists who don't draw for months or years at a time get frustrated!
Anyhow, yay!
Congrats! I look forward to reading it, despite never having read the original.
Can't wait.
*glares at above Anonymous tag* That was me. Stupid Google.
Congrats! I know how much this must mean to you. :-)
OMG! I just know your Heathcliff and Catherine are going to be sooo cool ! What part are you going to be adapting? Will you be doing the beginning, with the ghost?
OMG! Is that your Heathcliff in the post ? He looks very good. And I just know you'll draw a great Catherine. Will you be adapting the novel's beginning, with the ghost? Whatever you do, I just know this is going to be sooo cool!
Oops ! I though my comment had been erased! Two for the price of one. I tend to overenthuse when one mentions the Brontë sisters !
Suzene: I didn't see any tag, you're good.
Anon: thanks, but I'm not sure how you could! are you stalkering me?
JPJ: it's a short excerpt...so still trying to work in the ghost. looking like I'll be focusing on CH 10-17...Heathcliff's return through his acquisition of the house.
Zenegra: thank you for your support! :-P
Is that the Heathcliff using the article ?!? He appears really good. And I just know you'll draw a superb Catherine.
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