I try to bring my own lunch as a general rule, but since the eating area is open to all, regardless of purchase, it's likely that I end up at the cafe at least once a week. My pal Corey (left) is a regular, and he's shown here waiting for his teammates to arrive. To right shuffling in is another building mate.
I haven't gone out of my way to show these to anyone in the building, but the few people who have seen them knew who the drawings are of, instantly.
On the subject of my day job, I am no longer acting director and am off the "senior management" team. Yay—it feels like things are getting back to normal and I can think about comics more often. It was a long haul as an acting, 15 months (was supposed to be 6-9 months). Now if only my debilitating headaches would go away. But sadly, they are increasing in frequency and intensity. Boooo.
Booo indeed mr. fish... do you need someone to rub your head?!
I like what's on with the shuffle lady... the characterizatoin is really fun.. reminds me of UPA style...
I love her, she looks like someone I would draw.
Tim: LOL, "looks like my drawing, so I love it" :-P
I had debilitating headaches a while back. Went to neurologist. Turned out to be TMJ - due to grinding my teeth. Mouth guard & muscle relaxers = no more headaches.
Just a thought.
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