Some weeks ago, I drew a new character in Adam's sketchbook. S/he has the head of an old lady, a buff man's body, giant butterfly wings, and a rose for a penis. Adam named this creation "Stemena" as he added a cinder block for one hand, a toaster for another, and broken eggshells for feet (thus Stamena must always be in flight or crush its feet further). Adam drew Stamena in my sketchbook (figure 3, though I inked the boy being pelted by the toast), and then I began adding to her back story (figures 1 and 2). Wealthy socialite finally acquires the musch sought-after mystical "diamond rose" and is unwittingly transformed into the mighty Stamena. Figure 4 shows us despite the horrific curse that the rose brings upon her (at an unknown interval), she refuses to part with it. The bold woman in the foreground is, I believe, some sort of rival for the rose. Here she has a look on her face suggesting "not if I can help it."