I want to talk to you! Hear your story!
I want you to refer them to me!
When I first read about the annual festival dedicated to "gingers" (redheads), I thought it was fun and funny, and immediately wanted to go.
But my amusement turned to sadment as I read about the hate crimes perpetuated on redheads, from the Facebook group "Kick a Ginger Day" to actual murders in the UK.
While I myself am but a mild ginger, I started recalling some of the teasing (and later fetishizing) I've been on the receiving end of, as well as what I've witnessed of family and friends.
I would like to do something...my share to draw just a little attention to the notion of tolerance to anyone born a little different.
Whether it's stories of childhood teasing or bullying...to physical abuse or discrimination...I want to hear your story and maybe draw it for a mini comic. Anything we discuss will be held in the strictest of confidence!
If you're willing, please drop me an email to comment@timfishworks.com
In the meantime, visit:
or search for their Facebook group!