It's that time of year again—the Wonder Woman Day charity auction. Last October, my entry finished 14th, beating out a number of DC and Marvel artists—including a few who have drawn her book! I colored it, added a background, and posted here (search "Wonder Woman Defeats Nazi Germany). Since I love the Golden Age Wonder Woman, I decided again to draw her for this year's auction. I created the line art of an SS officer troused up by our favorite Amazon princess (you can see the evolution process in my prior post). When I began coloring the Nazi, I decided to color his skin a ghaslty grey, and settled on a backstory for the "Phantom Nazi". You might not think he's an actual phantom... but don't forget, her lasso is magic. Keep your eye out for the answer some day. And, keep your eyes on the charity auction in a month or so from now—it's a great cause!
(1) Thumbnail sketch for the annual "Wonder Woman Day" charity auction. (2) Full size sketch, partially inked one day while bored. (3) Second draft full size sketch; I felt first draft didn't fill the space quite right. (4) Final inked drawing; traced to Bristol board via the light table. Changed face from sketch as she looked too light-hearted for capture of a Nazi SS man.
In (2) you see a pencil sketch of a monkey, which was a bit of a joke. I'd heard the best-selling comic books have either featured Nazis or monkeys on their covers.
I started watching Doctor Who for the first time since the late '70s. A while back, I saw an ad for the new series, and thought "that looks like Catherine Tate...haha." Then, I discovered it is Catherine Tate—now the Doctor's companion "Donna Noble" for series 4. Who could not love David Tennant's intense but goofy Doctor? The ultimate sexy dork. I sketched this in Adam's sketchbook, as part of the "____ with kitty" series. It started after we saw The Incredible Hulk. There were a few "Hulk with kitty" drawings (Hulk SMASH kitty!), a "Batman with kitty," "She-Hulk with kitty" (though in that one, kitty is a buff guy wearing a muscle tee that says "kitty" on it), etc., etc. I liked my sketch of the Doctor and Donna very much, so I inked it, colored it, posted it! In hindsight, I really should have added the TARDIS. It could have filled the white space to the right of Donna. Next time—!